First off, this is the best madness game ever. And i mean. Ever. That's E-V-E-R if it's hard to read.
The story mode is brilliant, arena provides hours of fun. But i missed some stuff. Generaly some weapons, and a lot of accesories. Like the huge axe Hank had in MC[input part here], or the hook Sanford uses. And a lot of accesories. Bandanas, glasses, hair, misc accesories (like bandages). And the list goes on. I mean it would be great if you could do just about any character in the madness series. It would be also great if there was a seperate section for 'decorative' accesories, which doesn't provide protection, but instead are for looks only. And. It would be more awesome if you could a little more than just one. Example : (i'll start from the head and will slowly go down to the feet) Bandana, underneath it you see sticking out bandages, then glasses, a metal plate or a ripped of jaw, more bandages, a long coat, a plate around stomach area. Yeah. That's Hank. And why i mentioned more than 1 decorative accesory? Let's say someone's making Deimos. They'll need 2 decoratives, bandages and earphones, and on top of it, a cap.
Now about some other things about improving the game system which is already very nice.
Altho this is way better than Madness Interactive, this game lacks one thing that all madness fans likes: throwing a weapon and sticking it to the head. Who could forget the brutal Baton-to-head throw Hank did? I mean, seriously, that's the only thing why i kept playing madness interactive. Throwing weapons. No fun when a sword always bounces of the enemies' heads.
This might be atleast revamped by making some sort of melee weapon req. like The second square thing = ability to throw knives and small sharp objects, the 3rd one = swords and long stuff, 4 = blunts (like baton) or something like that. Also, i'd really love a dual wielding ability. And not just pistols or rifles. I mean combining everything. Melee + rifle, melee + melee, rifle + pistol... This could be included with let's say STR, but to a certain level ofcourse.
Now then. Stuff i was dissapointed in. Only one. Tricky's sign. It broke so quickly, and was pretty much useless. But in the series, IT FREAKING ROCKS! I mean, you don't need to make it the most powerful weapon, but just buff it a little.
Bugs. While the game is really neat itselft, there are minor things i noticed/didn't notice.
Max dexterity says Melee will deflect back at enemies. Am i supposed to swing the sword/anny other melee weapon to do this? Because blocking only deflects them. Another thing is the descriptions. They are inaccurate (like'This is a very accurate weapon or smth' and accuracy is 2).
Next, i only noticed this happen while punching a blocking enemy with a bottle, but might happen with others. The bottle on contact changes into other weapon, i think it was a knife.
The maxed melee doesn't really do a devastating finishing move like choppin' the head off or slicing the guy in half or atleast stabbing him. I haven't really noticed any finishing move to tell you the truth. Well, that's all i have to say for now. Thanks for the game!